Sunday, November 1, 2009

What motivates me…

Gosh, this is the type of question that one gets answered when being interviewed! The funny thing is, I saw a cartoon once that read “I’m trying to find the motivation to get motivated!” Many people find that problem, that they have no inspiration, motivation or muse to get them motivated about work, love and life in general.
Lucky for me, I have the most amazing mom and loving home environment – that’s what keeps me going and keeps me motivated.My mom has faced many trials and tribulations in her life, and despite it all she still walks around with her head held high, looks after our family and always has a smile on her face.
When the hardships of life get the better of me, I think about what my mom went through and realise that God will never give you a cross that is too heavy to bear; because once you overcome that obstacle, you come out a better person.

What motivates me…

Gosh, this is the type of question that one gets answered when being interviewed! The funny thing is, I saw a cartoon once that read “I’m trying to find the motivation to get motivated!” Many people find that problem, that they have no inspiration, motivation or muse to get them motivated about work, love and life in general.
Lucky for me, I have the most amazing mom and loving home environment – that’s what keeps me going and keeps me motivated.My mom has faced many trials and tribulations in her life, and despite it all she still walks around with her head held high, looks after our family and always has a smile on her face.
When the hardships of life get the better of me, I think about what my mom went through and realise that God will never give you a cross that is too heavy to bear; because once you overcome that obstacle, you come out a better person.

Personal Autonomy – How far does it extend?

“Personal Autonomy? What’s that?” was my initial thought when I saw this topic. So I checked with the most reliable source I’ve had over my past five years of studying, Google. I came across which is an online dictionary and it provided me with the following definitions:- Immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence- Personal independence
Reading these definitions, the common word found is independence (and the first song that comes to mind is Independent Women by Destiny’s Child – and now you’re probably singing it in your head as well!).
I personally feel that in today’s society, it is vitally important to be independent, especially for women. It is important that you as an individual are able to stand on your own two feet and fend for yourself without the reliance of other people.
However, with that said, no man is an island. We all still rely on each other for one thing or another; be it a lift to work because your car broke down, a cup of sugar because you ran out and never noticed or it could be love, support, happiness.
Personal Autonomy plays a key role in defining who you are and how well you succeed in life, however it shouldn’t be to an extent where you shut yourself off from the rest of the world – how lonely and sad would that be?

Watch this space…

Life throws you so many curve balls; however it’s how you pick yourself up and dust yourself off that will determine the path you take in life.
These past three years I’ve been hit by one to many curve balls, some were throwing gently towards me, while others had no mercy and just whacked that ball against me with all its might!
However, after a few bumps and bruises, and a few scratches here and there, I’ve managed to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep walking my path. Yes, some curve balls have even left scars, but those are there to remind me of what not to do, where not to go or who not to befriend again.
I’m finally nearing the end of this chapter of my life. This chapter I’d like to call the lost and found. It’s been a chapter of finding myself, what my interests really are, who my friends really are, what career path I actually want to take and finding out how I want to see myself in five years time. Lost, because, I’ve lost my freedom from responsibility, my careless childhood days and my being able to fully depend on my parents (the good old days of tuckshop money!)
I’ve officially entered into the big wide world of adults (or what I use to refer to them as a kid, “big people”).
So watch this space for the new chapter in my life, the chapter I’d like to call the future and me!

Conventional is a good fallback position.

So you have a bit of a conventional approach to a task you’ve being given at work, yet you’re too scared to run with it in fear of what others might say?Nonsense, what’s the worst that could happen – Someone may not agree with you? Well at least then you know that you have tried!
It’s always good to think out of the box and a bit different from the majority, after all that is what makes each and everyone one of us unique individuals is it not?
With that said, I do however agree to a certain extent with the above statement, but with a slight change – conventional should be an option, not a fallback.
In life, one should always have a Plan A, B and C in order to ensure that whatever decision needs to be made or task needs to be completed, you have thought it through to an extent where you have different plans on how you could possibly tackle it.
Thinking things through, as mentioned above, also gives you the opportunity to have the end result in mind which is a good way to start a task or make a decision. This is what drives you to complete whatever comes your way, knowing that you can take the take the safe route and if that doesn’t ‘wow the crowd’ you can always go for something conventional, and well, if that still doesn’t work, you’ve always got Plan C!
What should always be remembered is that each and every one of us are unique and will tackle a situation differently to the next person. What may seem ‘normal’ to one may be ‘conventional to the other, hence always have options!

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain)

That statement is quite daunting because if you think about it, everything starts with an idea. Everything, good or bad began with one person saying “I have an idea!”
An idea has led to many historical events such as World War I and II, Apartheid, Klu Kluks Klan etc. Whoever came up with these ideas need to seriously start looking at Plan B and C ideas and not just go with their original one and only idea because, telling by the results of these events. Those ideas were not exactly the brightest!
As women, we are constantly taught to go with our “gut” or initial response as that is said to usually be the right idea, however one always needs to look a tad bitter to see the domino effect your one idea could have on future events.
When you think you may have the most amazing idea, just take a step back and think and rethink about it just to make sure you are 110% sure you are making the right decision, because not every idea is always a good one.

Andy Warhol said “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes” – You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famou

Everyone gets a chance to be world famous for a whole fifteen minutes? Gosh, won’t it eventually get to a point where we would start forgetting who’s famous for what?
I mean, reading Heat and People magazine, watching E! Entertainment and listening to the “gossip columns” on the various radio stations is already like information overload! I think I’ve gotten to a point where I’m starting to wonder what Britney Spears is famous for – Mickey Mouse Club, Hit me baby one more time, drug abuse or losing so much weight in so little time?Ok, maybe it’s not that extreme, but listening to what the media has to say about tons of people can get a bit much after a while that one tends to loose track along the way, if that makes any sense?
I’m not too sure that’s what I want though – to be world famous, even if it is for a measly 15 minutes. Just imagine always having someone interested in what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and who you doing it with! Not for me. Thanks, but no thanks!
I’m pretty much of a private person. Yes I like to do adventurous, spontaneous things, but nothing to the extreme of allowing me to cash in on my so called “15 minutes of fame!”
I guess some of us are born to be in the spotlight, and others, like me, are best kept behind the scenes.
If everyone is supposed to have their 15 minutes of fame, I’ll be keeping low till the spotlight passes my area!